Fietback - Pickup Data E.P.


I am glad you are looking in !

This is my PickUp Data e.P.

I'm still on that there will be a vinyl release too!

But the other Formats are ready to go !

Over a period of 3 years I have reflected on my roots in the classic purist electro.

I`ve gone "old" and for me partly new ways. It was a deep journey back.

A strangely beautiful backup of where I once came from. Although electro in its pure form has always had a part in my life, over the years I focused on newer and newer ways of production and so I pushed the project: Homecoming. On and on.
Well I had to "old" ways "new" tread. Bought me equipment, which I left behind on my long way. Discovered sounds that already blew me away at that time.

So I wish you or you a lot of fun, fear, anger and all the other emotions that I put in there.

On my Youtube Channel, i´ve some outtakes for you !

I used among other things the following sound generating instruments:




Odyssey (ARP CLONE)



TC/1 Synth Section


MC 505

TR 505

TR 08

TB 303


Volca Synth

2x MS-20